Clinton E. Crawford Launches BARISTA BALL for Crowd Funding On KICKSTARTER


Though many wonder how it would feel to have the world’s smallest coffee maker at their fingertips, until now it just hasn’t been possible to have such desires satisfied. In a bid to put an end to that, Clinton E. Crawford has just launched BARISTA BALL the world’s smallest real coffee maker 4 years in the making. The baristaball Kickstarter crowd funding campaign at ( has already launched on KICKSTARTER. Catering to the needs of traveling coffee enthusiasts & consumers new to drinking coffee but looking for a low cost solution to brewing the real thing, the world’s smallest coffee machine is now available. Clinton & his team have created a specially designed pressure infuser for the purpose of enabling one to have a full-bodied cup of coffee wherever they go. Born out of great passion for coffee, this Coffee Maker unravels the path for one to go anywhere without missing the best coffee they love. Paving the way for one to make almost 20 ounces of strong brewed coffee, this tiny machine gives you to full control of the strength & purity of your coffee brewing. Being extremely simple to operate, one can just pack the coffee into the ball and adjust the strength of brewing by how much coffee they pack into the baristaball & how long they steep the coffee into their hot cup of water. The baristaball product has been developed over 4 prototypes & more than 3½ years of engineering & design development trials.

Elegant, sophisticated & beautifully designed, the rejuvenating avenue for one to make coffee better than a French Press has now been solved. The baristaball coffee machine is made from the best materials on the planet and is super portable. It’s also extremely easy to clean, taking just 30 seconds to rinse out after each use. The baristaball is seriously at least 5 times easier to use & clean than a French Press. Add the ultra portability, superior control over brewing & what you have is the worlds smallest & most practical coffee maker on the planet. Maybe even in the Galaxy, who knows?

Countless rounds of testing, research & keeping the baristaball made in compliance with the best materials, have now made it become recognized as the smallest real coffee maker available anywhere in the world. The Barista Ball is so small you can take it pretty much anywhere. Yes, with the baristaball coffee lovers can now make real coffee in less than 2 minutes.

This patent pending coffee maker needs to raise $100,000 to arrive in the marketplace. You can help bring the Barista Ball to life by supporting Clinton E. Crawford & his team on their Kickstarter campaign at: or you can visit their website at

BARISTA BALL takes the bid to launch a specially designed coffee infuser that is the smallest coffee maker in the world, is ultra portable & super easy to clean.

For more information, please visit


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